Motorized Shades

Motorized window treatments enable shades and drapes to move in concert with other subsystems, like lighting, music, and HVAC equipment. Decrease energy use and increase privacy with motorized shades that open and close according to your lifestyle. Blinds close when the movie comes on; on sunny days, shades close automatically to keep your home cool. Easily incorporated into a home automation system, motorized window treatments are a huge benefit within your home. Versatility, convenience, and style are a few of the benefits of swapping your old-fashioned window treatments for modern motorized systems. We offer a wide variety of motorized products and fabrics from the best manufacturers. All around, motorized window treatments really enhance the automated home lifestyle.
Top 5 reasons to add motorized shading to your home:
They are just as effective at saving energy as they are at preserving your privacy.
When the shades are down on a sunny day, solar gain is minimized which means your home’s air conditioner can operate more efficiently. On the flip side, when the shades are up you can keep the room lights off, relying on the natural light from the sun instead to illuminate your home. The shades can position themselves automatically based on the time of day or the intensity of the sun.
They can help protect a home from break-ins.
When window treatments move throughout the day, it makes your house appear as if someone is at home. In other words, it gives it a “lived-in” look—an effective deterrent against burglars.
They look better than manual shades and drapes.
Attached to a motorized rod, track, or roller, window treatments lift, lower and traverse left and right without any tugging of a cord necessary. Minus pull cords, your window treatments evoke a look that’s clean and modern. Moreover, the window treatments can be synchronized to start and stop in unison and to line up perfectly across the window.
They can conveniently open and close treatments that are difficult to reach.
For very high or odd-sized windows, these window treatments are easy to control.
They can be set to open and close at specific times and at preset levels.
Imagine when your alarm clock rings to start the day, your shades automatically go up to let in natural light and later at night they automatically come down to give you back the privacy you need.