In the recovery days of Hurricane Sandy, we have received lots of inquiries from both customers and contractors/builders about replacing wiring and cable that has been compromised in the home, mainly due to salt water damage. In most cases, while there are some fixes you can perform on your wiring when it comes in contact with water, when it comes to salt water, most industry professionals would recommend the low and high voltage wiring be replaced throughout the home or wherever it may have been compromised.

Since many of our customers and industry partners (builders, renovators, contractors, etc.) will be ripping out sheetrock, studs and anything else in the home that has water damage, this opens up a window to more easily replace your structured wiring. HDMI, Coaxial, Cat5, Alarm, A/V, telephone, etc. are for the most part, not meant to be submerged or in contact with water in any way. If salt water is brought into the mix, it’s 10x more devastating because of the corrosion it will cause in your cables. This usually starts with the connection ends as they are most exposed and over time eating away at the copper insides and other wire materials. It is always better to replace the wiring now, while rebuilding or renovation is going on, rather than later when your walls are closed up. At that point costs could skyrocket to replace anything after all the finishing work has been completed.
Contact us for any questions you may have regarding structured wiring
What Happens When Electrical Wiring Gets Wet Inside The House?
How To Displace Moisture From A Coaxial Cable