Music Systems

How Having Music Throughout Your Home Can Enhance Your Life

Listening to music can have a profound impact on various aspects of life. Here are five compelling reasons to incorporate music into your daily routine: Imagine a life full of music! IDS makes it possible to listen to music anywhere and everywhere in your home. Apple Music or Spotify in...
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Elevating Home Automation with An In-Depth Overview

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, smart homes have gained significant popularity due to their convenience, efficiency, and seamless living experience. Among the many players in the home automation realm, emerges as a sophisticated and customizable platform that aims to revolutionize our interaction and control of smart homes....
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Are You Ready to Party Outdoors?

This post is devoted to outdoor entertainment. Spring is here–and summer is coming soon! Are you ready? Don’t wait several months only to realize there isn’t enough time, or the supply chain problem still exists…let’s do this now! This is the perfect time to assess, plan and install elements that...
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Home Technology in the Age of COVID-19

With COVID-19 still a serious threat, restrictions and caution have us continuing to spend more time at home. From work to play, our technology needs have changed greatly and the way we use our technology has been impacted as well. Below is a list of elements of technology to review...
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Get Ready for a Summer At Home!

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many things have changed, primarily the amount and quality of time we are spending in and around our homes. It looks like we’ll continue to spend most of our time at home this summer, with summer camps or vacations not ready to happen. The bright side...
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How to Eliminate Aesthetic Technology Pollution

Admit it; you love your entertainment technology. Where would we be without TV and music? They enhance, educate and entertain us. Movies, shows, streaming series and sports, along with a variety of music and sound are a major form of entertainment for many. What happens, though, when you’re not watching...
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Being Outside is Good For Your Health; Take Your Music With You!

Experts say it’s important to spend time outdoors. Being outside has many advantages including improving memory, fighting depression and lowering blood pressure. When we are outdoors, our heart rates and levels of the stress hormone cortisol decrease. Those lowered levels of cortisol last for several days after serious outdoor exposure....
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The Coolest Whole House Music System

Has this happened to you?—you’re listening to your favorite song on your little Bluetooth speaker and you walk to another part of your house. When you return your song is, well, over. Or you want to have your favorite podcast playing outside while you prepare for entertaining. We feel you....
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Why Builders, Designers and Architects Need a Professional AV Company

If you’re an industry professional—builder, contractor, designer, architect—you’ll want to consider working with a professional AV company for your clients’ home technology needs. It’s important for several reasons: –If you’re building a home, you want to work with an AV company that works with YOU. You’ll gain control of the...
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How Control4 Makes Home Automation Awesome

Picture this. You arrive home, and with one touch, your lights come on, the shades close, and your favorite music starts to play. As the sun sets, your porch light goes on, and at 9pm your home security system is armed. Sounds sweet, right? It is! At IDS, Control4 is...
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This Could Happen To You (or Why You Need a Professional to Install Your Home Technology Systems)

Can you imagine being left with this bird’s nest after investing time, money and energy to design new technology throughout your home? Home theater, home automation, security system, Wi-Fi networks, whole-home music. Sounds heavenly, right? Not if this tangled web of unprofessionalism is what you’re left with. Who does this?...
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You’ve Got to Incorporate A/V Planning in Your New Home or Renovation

Are you building a new home or a vacation home? Planning a major renovation of your current home? Congratulations! But—wait! Have you thought about how you’re going to handle your technology? We’re talking about integrating your home Wi-Fi, security system, home automation and entertainment throughout your home. During renovations and...
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Why You Really Want Whole House Music

It’s the holidays! Joy, cheer and of course, holiday music! You’re expecting guests and everyone in your home is preparing. Dad is making appetizers in the kitchen, mom is finishing soaking in the tub, and the kids are doing their thing in their rooms. Imagine the same scenario but this...
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Why Home Automation is the Coolest Gift for the Holidays

When you think of home automation, you might imagine it’s just a way to adjust the lights and set your alarm system. Is that really all there is? Not at all! Home automation is a lifestyle change that eases and simplifies the way you can enjoy your home and surroundings....
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